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Hezbollah: EU decision written by US hands with Israel ink


by Joseph Earnest  July 23, 2013


Newscast Media BEIRUTHezbollah expressed in a statement issued Monday evening firm rejection of the European Union's decision to put its military wing on the list of terrorism, and considered it as "aggressive, unjust decision written with Zionist ink."

Hezbollah saw in the EU bowing to pressures of the US administration and Israel as a serious turnover in its compliance to the White House dictates.

"It looks as if the decision was written by American hands with Zionist ink and the EU had only to put its seal for approval," Hezbollah's statement said.

Hezbollah considered that this unjust decision does not reflect the interests of the peoples of the European Union "and comes in contrast with its values and aspirations that support the principles of freedom and independence, which it had always advocated."

"If the EU countries think they are booking its locations in our Arab and Islamic countries by submitting to the logic of U.S. blackmailing, we assure them that Washington had made similar decision and gained only further failures and disappointments," the statement ended up saying.    Add Comments>>

Source: Hezbollah Media Relations








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