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Ebola-Texas: Close to 100 Texans at risk of Ebola exposure



by Joseph Earnest  October 2, 2014   


Newscast Media DALLAS—According to health officials in Texas, almost 100 people in Texas who came in contact with Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan are being monitored for any symptoms of the fatal disease.


The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said, Duncan, who had traveled from West Africa to Dallas, did not have symptoms when leaving West Africa, but developed symptoms approximately five days after arriving in the United States.


On Thursday afternoon, aboard Air Force One, the President phoned Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings to discuss the local, state, and federal response to the case of Ebola in Dallas. The President called to make sure the Mayor was getting the resources he needed from the federal government, including the Centers for Disease Control, to treat the patient safely, and control this case so that it does not spread widely. The President pledged federal agencies will remain in close coordination and reiterated his confidence in America’s doctors and national health infrastructure to handle this case safely and effectively.


According to the Wall Street Journal, most of the people on the watch llist haven't been ordered to stay home. However, health officials have formally ordered four of Mr. Duncan's close family members to stay home and not receive any visitors until at least Oct. 19. The family members could face criminal charges if they don't abide by the order.   


Ebola-Texas is the same  strain as Ebola-West Africa, but is different from Ebola-Zaire, which is the original Congo strain.   Add Comments>>















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