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Syrians celebrate triumphant victory over US-UK failed bombing campaign


Screen capture of Syrians celebrating in the streets

by Joseph Earnest April 14, 2018


Newscast Media DAMASCUS—Russia has footage and data indicating that Syria successfully intercepted 71 of the 103 missiles launched by the US and UK. In addition, Syrians celebrated their triumphant interception of all 20 missiles that were launched into Damascus, but were successfully intercepted and blown out of the air by Syria's Assad before they could reach Damascus.


Some Trump supporters were mad at Trump because they believe he has betrayed their support by continuing a war. However, there is a method to Trump's madness. Trump wanted to avoid the war, but he knew if he did not take control of the situation, the UK would have leveled Syria. It is the reason why Trump announced his intention to withdraw US troops from Syria soon. This is to keep the US out of the Middle East war zone.


To save the Syrians, Trump kept warning the Syrians and Russia that the US was about to attack Syria. Who does that? Why would Trump send out tweets publicly warning Syria of an impending strike? Trump did it to give the Syro-Russian coalition time to prepare themselves with the use of their impeccable air defense system. He also did it to assume a position of strength ahead of the US-North Korea summit, as mentioned in an earlier article.



Syrian civilians and soldiers joined hands and partied in the streets as they praised Russia and Assad for their triumph. No deaths were reported as a result of the bombing.



Syria and Russia contend that the US-UK strikes against it were a retaliation for the Syro-Russia victory over ISIS. Add Comments >>















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